certified. Insured. Locally loved.

Foggy Paws Sf Dog walking & pet services

Why foggy paws?

7 years of 5 star experience

Over 2,000 clients served since 2017, Background checked and Insured by PCI.

100% Open communication

Walk Updates, transparent prices, and optional GPS tracking services provided by the Glympse app.

On- Demand Walks Serving SF

Busy schedule? No problem! On-Demand walks are an option as well as recurring scheduled walks.

Lets get those paws moving and that tail wagging!

Dog walks & Drop ins

We offer dog walks in 20, 30 and 60 minute durations. If a walk is too much we also offer Drop In services.


Heading out of the city for the weekend? No problem! We do boarding services so that your pet never has to be alone!